Monday, November 8, 2010

My Etsy Shop

Got all my pix back up on etsy with lots of new jewelry made out of my lampwork glass beads. They always turn out so different and individual! No two alike. I've added some ceiling fan pull chains and lots of necklaces with leather cord. Go check it out!

New Baby Logan

Kinda forgot I even had this blog! The latest news in my family is Logan Michael, my 8th grand child. He was born on Oct. 7th, and wasn't due until November 22nd. After 4 weeks in the hospital, he came home last Thursday. His mommy is doing okay, recovering from a c-section. Missing sleep is her problem now. Before, it was pumping and having everyone taking milk to the hospital for feedings every three hours. He got over his rough spots and is beautiful and healthy. Praise God